One thing that should be apparent is how much you need to know to create a good character. It is one reason why DDO isn't quite accessible to new players. One of the most noteworthy experience for a newbie, I must imagine, is encountering the feat list for the first time during character creation.
One good way to further cement your build is to examine which feats are mandatory to achieving your goals, since this will give you a solid skeleton to build around. Adding the mandatory class levels to this gives you a fairly fleshed-out idea already.
So how do you decide which feats are what you need, which are ones you want, and which are useless? Take a look at this very useful feat summary.
Note that all characters should have Toughness, unless you are very sure of what you are doing.
For Archibalde, Weapon Finesse is useful since it consolidates his AC and to-hit into one character stat (Dexterity), adding useful synergy to the build. Some of the TWF feats are needed, but I want all if possible.