
I play DDO so that I can grow my characters exactly as I imagine them to be; I give my toons their own personality, from the crazy bipolar rogue who grabs aggro then throws it away, to the serene clonk who rests AFK, unfazed by the hordes of trolls swinging wildly at him. Or perhaps, an experiment to maximize a certain in-game mechanic: how about a Sorceror Battlecaster who uses his charisma in his paladin splash, becoming a solid frontline melee in his own right?

In all these cases, there is some satisfaction in streamlining and optimizing these concepts into workable character plans. Entertain your dreams that maybe - just maybe - you can build an actually feasible version of your favorite literary hero that you won't later dump in disgust.

Introducing Basic_Male001, who still looks absurdly badass anyway.

This character build guide is sorted into 3 sections: Concept, Translation, and Definition. Along the way, I will demonstrate an example of how one of my character was developed, using the same framework.

Note that some background knowledge might be needed.
First up, Concept.